Somerset/Dorset/Wiltshire Lunch

On a blazing hot day 28 of us gathered at Long Sutton Golf Club and enjoyed an excellent curry with all the trimmings. There was a successful raffle and a number of books were sold, all to raise money for our Benevolent Fund. A most enjoyable day was had by all.

Spring Lunch & AGM

We had a very successful Spring Lunch and AGM at the VSC in London in late March. The curry lunch was excellent and we had a most interesting and amusing talk from Professor Len Newton of Nairobi University about his time in Africa and his speciality, succulent plants.

Midlands Lunch Photos

A jolly lunch held in May 2022 in Thame, Oxfordshire.

Northern Lunch Photos

It’s a long way north but as the photos show we had a jolly crowd at the Northern Lunch in early October.

Hampshire Lunch Photos

The Hampshire Lunch was well attended and as always, we enjoyed a delicious home-made curry, thanks to the hard-working volunteers in the kitchen. Here are just a few photos to whet your appetite for next year!

Somerset/Dorset/Wiltshire Lunch Photos

The Somerset/Dorset/Wiltshire lunch at Long Sutton Golf Club was a great success with 38 members and their guests enjoying an excellent curry lunch. The raffle raised over £200 and lots of books and cards were sold.

Group Lunch dates confirmed

Please have a look at the Dates for the Diary page for our regional Group Lunch dates. You can download an invitation form, contact the Group Leader, or use the form on the Contact Page to join in.

Change of Officials

It was all change at the AGM, with Annie Appleyard having served her three year term as President and Kate Wythe taking over. In addition two long serving committee members have relinquished their roles. Sheila Heath has retired as Treasurer and Membership Secretary, and Eva White has retired as Chairman of Benevolent. We thank them both for their dedicated service to EAWL over many years. Annie Appleyard takes over as Treasurer and Membership Secretary, while Chairman of Benevolent remains vacant.

The Trustees of the Charity are now:

Kate Wythe – President

Annie Appleyard – Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary

Sue Harrison – Honorary Secretary

Ann Narraway – Secretary of Benevolent Committee

Penny Ansell – Editor of Jambo

Lesley David

Spring Lunch and AGM Photos

The Spring Lunch and AGM at the Victory Services Club was well attended, and much enjoyed by all. Dr Chris Spring gave us a very interesting talk about Textiles of Eastern and Southern Africa, illustrated with slides and examples.

Hampshire Lunch Photos

Our final lunch of the year was a great success with 42 of us enjoying a delicious curry prepared by Davina’s dedicated band of helpers. Lots of books for sale, a bring and buy, raffle and well stocked bar ensured everyone kept busy and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The photos speak for themselves!